Monday, February 4, 2008

Shaune Younkers along with several other Osseo parents hosted a meeting tonight with the following schools at United Methodist Church in Osseo;

Weaver Lake
Elm Creek
Oak View
Rice Lake
Cedar Island

Also in attendance were Osseo City Counsel Member Brian Kleven and School Board Member Dean Henke.

There was a lot of dialog about how to approach the school board on Wednesday night. Basically a statement is going to be drafted tomorrow that all schools will be in agreement on and will be prepared to present to the board on Wednesday. We are asking the board to consider stopping this proposal to offer all parties, parents, business owners, and taxpayers time for due process. We are requesting the board go into the district's reserve balance to cover the $16million at this point, go back in November and ask taxpayers for more funds and move forward to getting the teachers back.

We are stronger standing together as one united force and all schools that attended were in agreement. Due to the short notice of the meeting several schools that wanted to be there couldn't make it, we will be contacting the schools that were not able to make it asking them to join us in our united force on Wednesday.

Highlight tonight; Maple Grove City Counsel passed a resolution, like Osseo, to not support the District 279 proposal for school closings and boundry changes.

We need some representatives from Brooklyn Park to do the same!

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